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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Doxing is not allowed on Vaughnlive (Why is this hard to understand?)

After his ban,he decides to run to the poor man's Vaughnlive aka JustCast to kiss butt and try to impress a couple of regulars (literally 2)by telling them his "I'm a DJ" story not to mention "Hell's Angels come to my club" and "I had sex in the parking lot" and,most amazing of all  "My club has it's own S.W.A.T team".When his ban is up in a week I guarantee he'll be back on Vaughnlive despite him removing his profile picture.

Thanks to the combined efforts of XoxNikkiXox - SarahSixTwo - XoAmyLoveXo 
and of course MissScruffy and Myself ,Adambro21th will not be a problem for at least a week.


LurkersAnonymous said...

good job ladies, and johnny *thumbs up* =)

Unknown said...

Thank you very much
Did you stop blogging btw?

LurkersAnonymous said...

well, my blog has been idle for years, so i've been chopping and blogging for other blogs for a few but am probably retiring the chopping block pretty soonish =D