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Thursday, June 5, 2014

To the Ostrich People (those with their heads in the sand)

I'm hearing too much nonsense about oral rape not being possible.
I am sick and damned tired of every time a female is sexually assaulted ,she gets victimised  all over again by seemingly everyone.
A 23 year old woman was recently attacked by a person she THOUGHT she could trust.
Already suffering fear of her upcoming major surgery the very next day,not to mention the psychical pain she was in,her "friend" decided that right then and there was the perfect time to ask for oral sex.Refusing due to the fact that not only was she in pain but also had a feeding tube in her nose that also went down the throat.This "friend" also waited until the woman's mother has left the house,leaving her daughter alone with someone she too felt she could trust.
The "friend" got what we wanted and went home.Then bragged about the incident on a live cast. 

But I posted that story already.
Today I want to give evidence that oral rape is a real thing by posting these images and links.
God bless these women who have to not only endure the pain and shame of their assault but also have to suffer more at the hands of the public who choose to believe the attacker.


Every one of these applies to the Adambro incident.
I can't imagine the horror Nikki was subjected to.

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